One of the points in the program of the "Zero Waste in Practice" module was a meeting at the Waste Processing Plant in Krakow. The participants had the opportunity to spend time at the Krakow eco-incinerator.

One of the points in the program of the “Zero Waste in Practice” module was a meeting at the Waste Processing Plant in Krakow. The participants had the opportunity to spend time at the Krakow eco-incinerator.

The academy participants learned about the solutions and benefits that such facilities bring to our environment in the company of experts and people working daily at the eco-incinerator.

The eco-incinerator was created as a response to Krakow’s ecological and energy needs. It serves as the last and extremely important link in this system: it enables the management of municipal waste generated by the residents of Krakow and the recovery of energy from it.

The technology of thermal waste treatment is the most mature and pro-ecological solution to the waste problem, as evidenced by the long-term experience of European countries, where systems of thermal waste treatment with energy recovery form the basis of the entire waste management system.
It allows for transforming up to 245,000 tons of municipal waste per year. Incineration produces electrical energy (about 100,000 MWh) and thermal energy (about 1 million GJ). The energy obtained in the thermal treatment process is largely renewable and, therefore, ecological.

It is worth noting that the eco-incinerator impresses not only with its activity but also with its appearance. The enormous, green building, from which water vapour emerges from a large chimney, is impressive; the area of the building’s roof is almost as large as the area of Krakow’s Main Square.

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